Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Journey to Stardom: Day 79 (Special Part of You) - Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 1:09pm

Hey facebook,

I've been absent for too long, but I'm back. Life has been crazy again, but I have been meaning to get on here and share a message with you all so here it goes...

Recently, I have decided to undertake the harderst thing I have ever done in my life so far and it is a challenge and is very difficult, but as I have said before, this year is about getting my priorities straight and doing what is going to be best for me and my future (aligning my priorities with my values). The basis of this note is saving the special parts of you for special people. You cannot give everything you have to everybody, mainly, because most are underserving and do not even know how to appreciate it. I am not trying to exemplify myself or seem conceited, but it comes with time, that you will start to appreciate who you are, know who you are, and not let anyone make you feel less than you are.

When you give your greatest character attributes, love, kindness, and graciousness to everyone you know, there will be no one in your life who feels special. Recently, I have experienced a situation where a guy totally had a hidden agenda and tried to obtain something from me and then leave me hanging. He didn't get what he wanted and his plan blew up in flames (Thank God; case closed). He didn't obtain this mighty feat because he was undeserving, he did not deserve the special part of me, so he didn't get it. '

The special part of you is different to each situation and is defined for each person, but is universal, as well. The special parts of me are revelations of my past to a person, my body, my time, my mind, my soul, my darkest and most coveted secrets, and my heart. I plan to get married one day to a fabulous, DESERVING man and if I give everything that I have to undeserving, doggish people, I will have nothing to give him and how unfair is that to rob the man of my dreams of the things I will have been waiting my whole life to give him.

I want to have special friends, special family members, special people who deserve all that I have to give and in order to do that, I have to covet some things from the majority of people - save the best parts of me for those who know how to recognize, accept, and appreciate them. I have come to a point of my life , in which, I love who exactly who I am and I know all that I am and I will not give those parts of me to just anyone (physically and most importantly, mentally).

For everyone out there, who has been abused or used or taken advantage of, or just wants to learn this lesson for the first time, save the special part of you for those who deserve you and love you and care for you (and the best amongst those as well). But, most importantly, don't forget to save even the most superior increments of the most special portions of yourself for YOU.

I'll be back soon,
Don't forget to comment,


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