Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Journey to Stardom: Day 28 (Changes and The Realness) - Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hey peoplez,

I do apologize that it took me so long to get back on here and write to you guys; I 've been swamped with school and life blah blah blah hehe I hope everyone has been okay and that you guys have been READING my blogs!!!! :) If you have been, I want to thank you for your support and I will assume that you all know somewhat how I think and function by now and this will assist you in understanding the foundation of this post I have for you all, today. It's very important to me and is very serious; stay tuned...

First, I want to say that I am experiencing a point in my life that I am ridding my life of excess baggage; I have found that on the path I am trying to embark on, I do not have time for foolishness and people who are not supporting or at least, encouraging me as I would do them as a real FRIEND. I have found that there is a major difference in REAL friends and CONDITIONAL friends. I don't want conditional friends - friends who are there for you when they feel like doing so. Conditional friends, we all have them and I do not and will not anymore, but it takes a long time to realize who are conditional friends are not because they are good friends, WHEN THEY WANT TO BE. I don't want those friends. They don't really love you like they say they do, because they don't know what real love is...UNCONDITIONAL, LIMITLESS, NEVERENDING...That's the kind of friend I am, so I don't need friends that aren't doing anything for me; I can do bad all by myself. If they are not helping you, they are hurting you, period. The more time you spend entertaining people and situations that are not good for you, the more time you are unnecessarily exherting energy that can be used for your goals and dreams. Consider this...are those same people who drained the energy out of you, going to be there to help you accomplish your goals when you don't get there because of them: NO! They don't care, so you have to care about yourself; Love yourself and be there for you and you will draw people that coincide with your beliefs and feelings to you and if you don't, oh well. Life goes on. I would rather have two good, true friends than 28 that are sucking the life out of me and WASTING MY GOLDEN TIME!

People, through this journey, I have become more real than ever; I realized all I need is myself to do for myself and GOD is my best friend from now on. I hope I don't offend anyone and I don't mean to be cold, but I'm REAL and it's a cold world out there. In the end, everyone is in it for themselves. I keep it real to keep myself alive; to keep myself aware of WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THIS WORLD so that I can know it and breathe and keep living; I don't want to be blind and I don't want those around me to be blind. Everybody hates the real and honest person, because the truth hurts, but those same people are the ones that ask you for advice and flock back to you for more. If they don't, oh well. I only want people around me that want to hear the truth, because that's what I want to hear.

Also, I realize that people go through changes; everyone does. We all learn and grow and mature, is okay to grow and mature, but it is not okay when you CHANGE into someone that you are not and LOSE YOURSELF and YOUR MORALS in the process. When you lose all sense of your priorties in your "changing and growing process", you lose you and those who loved you for who you WERE, because that is WHO YOU ARE AND WHO YOU SHOULD REMAIN. When you grow, you mature and you learn and you experience and BUILD UPON who you ALREADY ARE. When you change, you lose you...and eventually those who helped you get to where you WERE or loved you just the way YOU REALLY ARE.....That's the difference....I don't want to lose myself and I have no intention of CHANGING who Brandy is. I love Brandy and I only want to grow and get better; that's all...

To sum it up, I am only letting people in my life who deserve to be there and I'm more real now than I've ever been. I don't care how people feel about it; I'm doing this for myself, because in the end, no one else is going to do it. Brandy has to take care of Brandy, period....

Think about it; comment please

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