Thursday, December 2, 2010

"My Journey to Stardom" Day 242 - All I Can Do: My Epiphany... - Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 9:45pm


I do apologize for being absent, especially to those of you who watch my show and who have been actively particpating with my blogs and the progress of my book. Please take a second to read my explanation....
To spare you all too many details I will just let you all know that this summer has been very crazy for me; so much has many ups and down, i has been absolutely CRAZY. These couple of weeks I have been tying to relax, because my summer session classes drove me completely insane. I was staying in room all hours of the day, literally going insane. I was going so crazy, my grandmother had come and save me and threaten to take away my computer if I did not take breaks. I took 32 weeks worth of coursework in less than 11 weeks and I was totally exhausted. I was going to post a video for you all Wednesday but I just dropped everything for the week and decided to relax. Between promoting this book and school, I was about to drop it all and even call of the publication.....

Lately, guys, I have been wondering what I should do...asking God why it is so hard to publish this book and help people with the show, if this is what I am supposed to be doing... I have been very lost, just trying to enjoy the remnants of my summer and prepare for U of H. My first day is tomorrow. I apologize if I am rambling, guys, but where did the year go? I mean, I was planning for this all year and last year and the time has arrived and the clock is ticking down....All I have is this dream and this book and this show and I just want to share with the world...
I was asking God, after stressing on and off and I believe He has reached me today. He told me to push this book and this show until I cannot push anymore. He said to go beyond the stress, and the pain, and the fatigue, and make my message heard, not for the fame and the recognition and the money, but for the people whose heart I need to touch before I die. He told me that I was forgetting the main goal and that is why things do not seem to be going all that great.
I am sorry if I have intimidated any of you or seemed like I was bragging. I am not just trying to do this for me, I originally set out to touch the hearts of the world or whoever reads my books, to be an ispiration, to make a change. So, I might have been absent this week, but it will never happen again. I am not going anywhere, people. The blog, the videos, the book is just going to keep on coming. I WILL NOT give up, I WILL NEVER stop trying. I am on a mission that is far beyond me. I have to do this - spread this word, make this dream come true......It is all I can do y'all....this is all I can do...

Thank you and I love you and I appreciate all my fans and supporters. You guys keep me in this game. Please continue to push with
me...continue to help me spread this message ...

Illumination Literary Publishing Company

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