Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Journey to Stardom: Day 578 "My Purpose"

"My Journey to Stardom" : Day 578 "My Purpose"

by Brandalyn N Gill on Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 4:44pm
I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN; God gave me these gifts and I, in turn, CHOSE MYSELF not to harbor them but to use them for the greater good of society, my generation, people I have never met - to improve the well-being of many lives of people that I may never know personally. I am here to positively impact all that I can and allow God to use me to build an army of positivy against this negative, evil world. This mission is not for society to understand right now, maybe not until long after I am gone, but I can't stop and I will not stop...My generations spends half of their day watching television, texting, playing on Facebook Skype and Twitter, and checking emails about more nonsense and have no idea that they can be future business leaders and presidents...My generation exemplifies the show "16 and pregnant" because it is socially acceptable to not only lose your virginity before marriage but to flaunt your promiscuity and employ more than one sexual partner at one time..My generation lives at home with their parents until they are well into their twenties because they are afraid of the world around them - or better yet, drastically unprepared because babies are raising babies these days and parents cannot teach their children adequately because they are lost themselves...My generation can barely write a suitable English paper, even in their junior year in college because we have adapted to what we call "text language" and spell there as "der" and you as "u", to as "2" and probably as "prolly"....50% of my generation (and this country) cannot recognize the United States on the map of the world, and yet they dwell here and the United States is the most abnormal country on the map of the world....My generation abuses the opportunities they are granted by spending money they do not have on things that can perish tomorrow and investing countless hours of their time into things that will not benefit them or anyone else, ever (such as MacBook's and IPod's)....My generation does not stop and say hello to complete strangers anymore or say "excuse me" to someone they bump into on the street because they are so accustomed to others doing the same...My generation is greedy and selfish and would rather do for themselves and advance their own desires while they watch other suffer, directly and inadvertently because of their crazed need for instantaneous gratification...and I am here to change that...

I want to start a reading and writing institution that will be international to teach underprivileged children who never were granted to opportunity and FUNDING to read and write on their actual grade level and that will give privileged kids who have the opportunities but abuse them, the opportunity to REEDEEM themselves. I want to write, produce, and act in films that will minister to the minds of millions on a spiritual level and feed their souls, granting them encouragement and life lessons that are not dowloadable via THE APPLE STORE. I want start a scholarship foundation that will give children the opportunity to go to school in America or wherever, because they are the first in their family to even want to do so, or because their country or "hood" does not offer those opportunities or they haven't been taught to want to do so. I want to bring joy back to people's eyes when the word "book" is mentioned because they know the written word is food-for-thought and that written words are basically God's words manifested through the minds of his children. I want to buy mansions that will house the starving children that exist right in here in America, because we so often forget that a vast percentage of this country's wealth is divided amongst the top 5 percentile of the most wealthy people who reside here - people, who unlike me, want to be richer and keep getting richer to pass the riches to their own blood line and leave the rest of us to starve, because after we secure a mortgage payment, car payment, and light bill for our average house of four, we can barely afford to split the McDonald's meals that we eat at least twice a week.

So, I apologize if I sometimes seem UNRELATABLE when I prance around with a smile even on my worst days to keep my head up for every child in the hood that has it far worse and WISHES they could be in my position of positivity through God. I APOLOGIZE if I seem cocky because I am THANKFUL and confident in the talents and gifts that God has blessed me with, because I see what he has in store for me to do for others and have overcome my self-esteem issues for the sake of all the little girls I haven't even met yet who are counting on me to do so.  I AM SORRY IF you used to be my friend or boyfriend or guyfriend or family member and you were cleansed from my life for the drama and the trivial issues you were being used by the devil to put in my way to keep me from doing the GREATER THING that is WAY BIGGER than you or me, or rent I couldn't make on my own, or books that I am struggling to sell, or hatred and jealousy and strife others are throwing into my life JUST BECAUSE I AM ME AND POSITIVE AND GOOD, or all those that constantly lie to me and take my kindness for weakness and laugh when I cry behind closed doors and beg God to deliver me from these wretched hurtful callous people of this sick and twisted negative world – people that don’t even know that when I cry in church and behind closed doors  I am crying for them because they don’t even know how bad they are ! I APOLOGIZE, that my purpose is so much bigger than that and that you got left behind because I have to keep going for all those lives I plan to touch before I leave this earth, all of those children of God that I want to help....I know my purpose. Find yours.

I can't stop, I won't be stopped. So to you I say, I will pray that you find your purpose and learn that I am here for the greater good, so stop trying to steal mine...

Brandalyn Gill – search “Life” by Brandalyn gill

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